普思可灵网日本正品进口原装Pulse Clean回忆系列手机防辐射贴

  • 普思可灵网日本正品进口原装Pulse Clean回忆系列手机防辐射贴
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:284
  • 市场价格: 398
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 770
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:PulseClean
  • 货号:1aaabbb98dd
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家nkxjt


  • 品牌:PulseClean
  • 贴纸颜色:椭圆形长方形圆形



页面图多,系统正在努力全部开打,请耐心等待... ....  :)




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公司简介    南康市景天电子商贸有限公司与日本TAKO株式会社(株式会社タコー)结成战略伙伴关系,本公司是TAKO株式会社在中国地区的办事机构,负责Pulse Clean和Plus ion buster产品在中国地区的推广与销售
    普思可灵网www.pulseclean.com.cn是日本Pulse Clean和Plus ion buster品牌TAKO官方授权的网上专卖 !所售PulseClean和Plus ion buster产品皆为日本进口,原装正品。 客户可以拨打日本TAKO株式会社服务热线:03-5959-3366(+81-3-5959-3366)或登录日本TAKO官方网站www.tako.co.jp求证。 


PULSE CLEAN got the patent in the USA and China, and is applying in Germany and Japan.
PULSE CLEAN gained the gold award at the 1997 international invention convention in Los Angeles,USA.


LIFE FIELD TEST (L.F.T.) is a method of measuring the condition of the human body by 
measuring each organ's biological magnetic field. The table shows the activity level of each
organ with and without PULSE CLEAN. 20 are the normal level of each organ. When activity
levels fall below 20 it shows there are some problems. 

Click this graph, and you can see the enlarged.


    More than 20 :       Very High            9 to 0: Weak  
      19 to 16:         Healthy              0 to -5: Low function          15 to 10:          Weakening           -6 to -10: Poor function 

Female computer operator, aged 42, tested working in front of a computer for 30 minutes with 
and without Pulse Clean. Without Pulse Clean, Beta wave, Visual Field, Optical verves, right
half of brain activity, retina and eyestrain all fell considerably causing symptoms such as
fatigue, eye strain, stiffness and headaches etc. With Pulse Clean, in 30 minutes, many of the
areas were restored to normal levels.

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